Swasthavritta (Lifestyle Management, Public Health and yoga)

For promotion of health and prevention of disease, this department plays an important role. It portraiys about daily regimens, seasonal regimens, cleanliness, code of conduct, diet, exercise, pranayama for disease free life.

The department has wide spaced yoga hall with individual yoga mats for students for practicing.yoga classes are conducted in daily basis for both patients and students.
The department is equipped with variety of models, specimens and charts.

Nature healing is also a part of this department. Spiritual health is obtained by creating awareness for better health by organizing camps and yoga programmes.

This department holds the previlage of conducting departmental activities like community health camps, health survey in village areas for promotion of health of the society under swasthya rakshana (adopting villages to promote rural health)

Dr. Deepthi Ann Skariah

Dr. Suraj S R