SSAMC conducted a medical camp at Manimangalam village on 12/09/23
A Workshop on Jalaneti and Eyewash was conducted by the Department of Swasthavritta, Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College on the 12th of September 2023.
SSAMC conducted a “FREE HEARING CHECKUP CAMP” in association with Sinewave Hearing on 08/09/2023
SSAMC conducted a medical camp at Nallur village on 08/09/2023
SSAMC conducted a medical camp at Kannadapalayam village on 06/09/2023
SSAMC conducted a medical camp at Manimangalam village on 22/08/2023
A vegetable carving competition organized by the SSAMC fine arts club on (05-08-2023)
A vegetable carving competition organized by the SSAMC fine arts club on 5th,August 2023. The event was held in connection with the independence celebrations and it was a wonderful experience. All the participants showed great creativity and skills.